Welcome to the new owners of the Canine Learning Center, Kathryn and Brad Ray.
The Rays are committed to continuing the tradition of family and community developed at the Center since 1993. Same great staff, even more great classes and events coming soon.
Here’s to another 30 fantastic years!
Work towards achieving your dog training goals and join us in class.
Classes for dogs and humans of all experiences!
Please note, the date listed on the class schedule is the starting date of the class, which then continues on the same day and at the same time for the published number of weeks. Treats, toys, and positive reinforcement methods are used in our classes.
For more information on each class, go to the Class Descriptions page. The classes are organized by discipline. Hot Buttons will take you to each section.
To enroll, please go to the Register Page and find the class your looking for:
Services Tab = Massage Therapy
Classes Tab = “Drop-in” Classes
Courses Tab = Scheduled Classes, Workshops, and Clinics.
About Canine Learning Center
The Canine Learning Center opened in January 1993 to provide training services in Fort Collins, CO.
We are proud of our experienced and dedicated staff and of the quality and variety of services offered.
Our focus is listening to owner needs and responding with flexibility and a variety of training methods.
What’s New?
Canine Odor Detection
Sarah King, PhD joins the Canine Learning Center for our Odor Detection Curriculum, beginning on Saturday, February 24th.
Dr. Sarah will also be leading our Snake Avoidance program, to be scheduled later this year.
Canine Massage Therapy
Falon Hibler, CMP joins the Canine Learning Center as our resident Massage Therapist, on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 10am - 6pm, beginning February 22nd.
Reserve your appointment on the Register Page, Services Tab.
Facility Improvements
The new owners, Brad and Kathryn Ray, have been working to refresh the facility. Please come by to say hello, see what we’ve been up to, and sniff around.
Lobby: Before and After
Conference Room: Before and In Progress
Therapy Room: Before and After
South Classroom: Before and In Progress
West Classroom: Before and After
Looking for private lessons? Consider one of our staff!
Emily Bink is a trainer at Canine Learning Center, and owns Paw Pack Dog Training.
Hope Mielke is a trainer at Canine Learning Center, and owner of Kingsgift Kanines, a puppy boarding and training company.
Sarah King, PhD is a trainer at the Canine Learning Center and owner of Brenin Behavior.
Brenin Behavior offers Private Training and Behavior Consulting for both Dogs and Horses.
Rent space at the Canine Learning Center
You can now rent space at the Canine Learning Center for your dog-related activities!
Please email TheCanineLearningCenter@gmail.com or complete our Contact Form for details and availability.